2x Taq master mix, 100 reactions
TaqMaster mix contains recombinant Taq DNA polymerase and is for routine primer extension.It is efficient for amplification of template up to 5kb.
Content: It contains dNTPs, Taq DNA polymerase, MgSO4 and reaction buffer. For each reaction, take 12.5ul to mix with your primer, template and make up to 25ul for the final volume with diH2O.
Each reaction contains 1U of Taq DNA polymerase, 1.5mM Mg++ and 400uM dNTPs.
Stability: It is stable for 8-10 months, if it is kept at –20C.
BioPioneer Inc专业经营进口胎牛血清、细胞因子、ELISA试剂盒、细胞、抗体、生物试剂、耗材、培养基、一抗、二抗、其产品吸附均匀,吸附性好,空白值低,孔底透明度高,代做ELISA实验等。